Becca Reads


Blindsided by a Diaper

As we know (how do we know? well, I know because I'm me, and you presumably know because you've heard me say it before, only it is late and I don't even know why I'm blogging at this hour, but I'm certainly not going to try to find out where I said it, so, alas, no link, but let me assure you, I've said it...OK, must abruptly exit this parenthesis)...where was I? Ah, as we know, I am over anthologies (got this one in galleys, and had to THROW IT OUT it was that bad, and I would never throw out a book, but it was a galley, and I just couldn't bear to have it in my house anymore) (no, it wasn't a galley, it was...what do they call it when they send you a book that looks like the book but the table of contents has no page numbers and there are lots of typos and a sticker on the front saying it is a whatever it is and you can't do certain things with it? come on, Dawn, help me out, what are those things?). OK, the point. The point is that I am over anthologies and I'm pretty much over parenting too--not the doing of it (yes, you've heard me say that before too), but the writing about it. So there is absolutely no way in hell I am going anywhere near this book (i.e. you might call this post BeccaDoesn'tRead rather than BeccaReads).

Nevertheless (you needed a paragraph break there, didn't you?), I am oddly intrigued by the subtitle, which is, of course, the same old anthology subtitle in its Number-Noun of Identity-"Reveal" [though this one, thank goodness, omits "the truth"]-Topic format [though, thank goodness again, this one does not formulate its topic as a string of Additional Nouns]. But what is interesting here is that the number is "Over 30" which makes me wonder if this is a book about thirtysomething Nouns of Identity ("Men and Women," in this case) or if there are in fact 31, or perhaps 32, essays in the book, in which case who on earth thought "Over 30" was a good idea?


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