Becca Reads


Guest Blogger: Climbing the Mango Trees

(M wanted to guest blog about her latest read.)

A movie star, food, India: all this stuff sounded kind of cool to me when I got this book. Before then I hadn't even known who Madhur Jaffrey was. Now I think she's probably a really cool woman because she had a really cool childhood.

Imagine having lunch, dinner, and breakfast with aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents, as well as your small family. This is what happened in India.

Also imagine being able to have exotic fruits to us in America almost any time you wanted.

This is some of what Madhur Jaffrey enjoyed.

I did learn some interesting facts about Madhur too. Such as: she was in one play when she was five and then wasn't in another till almost high school. Also, as a child she had never been out of India. She didn't go until she was out of college.

So if you like learning about food and India a tiny bit before, during, and after World War II and when the British didn't have India as one of their colonies any more, this is the book for you. I know I loved it.


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