Becca Reads


Knocked Up

It wasn't as funny as The 40 Year Old Virgin.

It was still pretty funny.

Especially the shrooms in Vegas scene.

Which was really, really funny.

I love Paul Rudd.

Better not to think about politics or plausibility.

D couldn't decide which campaign sponsored it: Brownback, Rudy, or Hillary.

It was occasionally slow. And predictable.

But it was funny.

And I love Paul Rudd.

(In other news, I got a new phone, which was kind of traumatizing, though I'm getting used to it, except that the front screen stays dark except when it's open, so you need to open it to see if you have messages, which is kind of a drag. S got the same phone as me, so I put glitter flower stickers on mine, which is so unlike me--not the glitter flowers, but putting stickers on my phone. M got S's old phone. She is super-excited and has already changed all the settings, covered it with stickers, and sent me a text with a smiley face. I didn't know you could send texts with smiley faces.)


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